Monday, March 9, 2015

Assessment Technology

                Assessments are the key to help students achieve the necessary skills and gain the required knowledge to succeed in life. As it is an essential tool to help teachers guide their students to achieve all the areas of learning successfully. It provides teacher with the specific spots each student needs improvement and gives teachers feedback on how they can aid students master their weak areas. At the same time teachers should always have a backup assignment or strategy to help those students that learn in different ways gain the required knowledge to succeed in life. That is why teachers are incorporating technology into their curriculum, as there are many software's available to assist teachers in tracking students skills and it also helps them engage students and aid those students that need intensive help succeed. "Recognizing that technology is transforming many aspects of teaching and learning, and offering innovative and motivating ways to document student learning that are adaptable to range of students." (Salend, Spencer J.)
Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning
                Technology is becoming an essential tool to facilitate ongoing efforts to assess students learning in and out of class. As teachers are implementing different tools into their curriculum to help engage students in becoming more involved in different lessons and assignments. It's also becoming very helpful and useful for teachers as they can assess students and keep track of their progress without having to do much. These software's keep every students data, as how often they log in, what they have mastered and what areas they are needing assistance.  Students are enjoying the way they are learning because many software's look more life fun educational games that teach students different  techniques and skills. As technology will always be of great motivation for students because its different and interesting to them and it's a great tool that will help students to be guided in the right direction to help them accomplish and gain the necessary knowledge to succeed in life. "Advances in assessment technologies are affording teachers and students new ways to efficiently assess and track achievement while also better promoting learning."(Dooley, Scott, Landauer, Thomas K., Lochbaum, Karen E.)
 WritingToLearn is a software that helps teachers assess students while teaching them different skills that are required to successfully write a well creative paper and comprehend what is being learned. Teachers can use this software when trying to expand the learning of a topic or lesson, as they can let students express their knowledge of what they have learned in class by letting them write a well productive paper. As students use this software it will expand their vocabulary and summative writing skills. WritingToLearn will help students master the state testing because it provides them with two components that are Summary Street "widely used and best proven tools for literacy learning"(Shanahan, 2005), are short articles, book sections or excerpts and students write topic prompted essays. Intelligent Essay Assessor is used for integrating comprehension and writing practice environment or can be used as a second opinion on essay exams administered online. 
 Camtasia Studio is a software that allows teachers to teach students how to do electronic presentations, simulations and software demonstrations that can include text, graphics, video, audio, animation and screen captures. Being creative is what makes learning fun as students gain knowledge while enjoy using many different technology tools to enhance their learning. Teachers can use this software into their curriculum as they can teach students different topics and students can expand their knowledge into researching more about the topic or lesson and create a presentation where they can teach others more about what they learned. It's also a great resource to use when it come to grading students in the understanding of any lesson because it will show how much they know as they producing a good detailed presentation.
Google Graph  is a software that helps teachers assess students learning by teaching them how it can be used into different lessons or topics. This software can be very useful in class, as to showing evidence of any information gathered from research. Teachers can use this tool when trying to create a math problem as they can first do research on any topic, such as how many people have iphone than android phones. After gathering the information, students can graph their results and create a presentation in class. Teachers can also use the information gathered from their students and create a different tests. It's always important to make it fun and interesting because students become involved and motivated to participate in exciting subjects that brings students into wanting to learn more.
Formative and Summative Assessments
            Formative assessments are used by teacher to help them evaluate each student's academic progress in class throughout the year, as to see how well they are understanding any lesson or unit. It provides teachers with evidence into what area the student is lacking on and helps them adjust their teaching to assist the student master the required skills. As for summative assessments students are tested at the end of each lesson or unit to show an understanding of what is being taught in class. Technology is a great tool that allows teachers to assess their students in a much more easier way of analyzing the level of understanding of each student. There are many tools that allows teacher to create any formative of summative assessment, such as WritingToLearn, Camtasia Studio and Google Graphs. These software's will better facilitate teachers way of assessing students because it will let students express themselves without realizing they are being tested or evaluated as they are gaining new knowledge and are engaged into what is being taught in class. 
 Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Assessment
            Technology is being implemented into teachers curriculum and the way they assess students. There are many tools that provide teachers to gain students attention as they make it interesting for students to become more involved. Technology provides teachers with the capacity of,  "Immediate access to large amounts of data could promote more accurate assessment results and facilitate the development of more sophisticated expert systems to assist teachers with instructional planning." (Bahr, Michael W., and Christine M. Bahr) Technology is not always a good tool to use when wanting to observe students integration with others and it can also limit what can be evaluated.
“Should a teacher only use technology to assess student learning? Why or why not?”
            When it comes to assessing students in class, technology can be of great use in involving students in participating more into any topic or lesson, but it can also limit the amount of information or evidence gathered from assessments. When teachers have the opportunity to evaluate students throughout the day in class, as they can create student portfolios and have sample work for each students progress it becomes a great tool to share with parents when it comes to parent teacher conferences.
What is the importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards?
            Using assessment technology is becoming a great tool for teacher to implement into their classrooms. Students are attracted and are more engaged into different topics and lessons taught in class because teacher are implementing different tools that help enhance the way they teach. As ISTE Standards states that, " Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments."
Concluding Paragraph for Software to Support Assessment      
            The key to a successful class is implementing different tools and learning ways to gain students attention thought teaching them in a fun and engaging way. Technology is known to have many educational tools that have helped teachers teach different lessons and topics while assessing students in different areas. As teachers gather data from students participation into different software or educational sites, they become aware of the different areas they are needing help. It also provides teachers with feedback into improving their teaching and how to help each student succeed because every student learns in many different ways.

Bahr, Michael W., and Christina M. Bahr. "Educational Assessment In The Next Millennium: Contributions Of Thechnology." Preventing School Failure 41. (1997): 90-94 OmniFile Text Select (H.W. Wilson). Web. 8 Mar. 2015.

Dooley, Scott, Landauer, Thomas K., Lohbaum, Daren E. "A New Formative Assessment Technology for Reading and Writing." Theory Intro Practice 48:1 (2009): 44-52. Education Research Complete. Web. 3 Mar. 2015.

"ISTE Standards Teachers." International Society for Technology in Education. ISTE Standards, 2008. March 5, 20015. Retrieved from

Salend, Spencer J. "Technology-Based Classroom Assessments." Teaching Exceptional Children 41.6 (2009): 48-58. Education Research Complete. Web. 4 Mar. 2015.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Student Centered Technology

Section Four: Differentiating Instruction through Technology

            As an educator it's very important to help students achieve and get the necessary skills required to succeed in life. For students to accomplish and gain the knowledge needed to become successful, teachers are incorporating technology to assist them in differentiate instruction. That is why teachers are using differentiate instruction through technology to better aid them in the process of making sure students are understanding the way teachers teach and how they receive any instructional information or lecture provided in class. To better assist my students in understanding and obtaining the required information in class, I have found many technology tools that are of great help in teaching students to attain  the skills in which they are lacking on.

Technology to Differentiate Instruction 

Is a modern way of helping teachers differentiate instruction in class and to better help students understand and adapt to their individual needs. This is why I will incorporate Gummii into my lessons to enhanced the way my students receive information without struggling understanding of any lecture or lesson. This tool will assist students to comprehend and maintain motivated as they will enjoy playing a game while learning the material they are struggling in class. As we all know students learn in so many different ways that it becomes complicated for students to understand the lesson. The ISTE standards for students indicates that students use creative thinking, while applying existing knowledge to generate new ideas when using technology. That is why teachers are helping students again the necessary information to better understand the material and assist those needs by using different tools that will help them master the understanding of the lecture. ISTE states that teachers plan their curriculum to fulfill the needs of the students by designing an effective learning environment and supporting their lessons by including different technology tools to better aid students way of learning. It is also important to have hands on activities in class because some of us learn by having concrete and manipulatives. (Hand 2 mine) When teaching students different math problems such as the multiplication tables "Task Cards," are a great tool to help students learn all their multiplications.      

Power My Learning: Is a tool to help educators differentiate instruction by delivering information to students in ways they understand. "Power My Learning" provides many tools of instruction to better support learning in and out of class. Students have access to Common Core Standard academic games, videos to meet students educational needs. The ISTE established that students tend to have an understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations. As they will use their current knowledge to learn of new technologies. To assist my students to develop the necessary skills I will incorporate this tool to implement blended learning as every student is different and learn differently. What makes this tool awesome is that teachers don't have to worry about not meeting students educational needs because it ass learning activities, can also include formative assessments that every student can have access to any time of the day and monitor students learning by tracking activity uses and assessments. “Technology improves performance when the application adjusts for student ability and prior experience, and provides feedback to the student and teacher about student performance or progress with the application.” (Smith, Grace E. and Throne, Stephanie)  Maintaining communicated is the key to success and that is why I recommend this tool because teacher can stay communicated with students regarding any feedback on any activity or assessment they have completed. ISTE specified  that the use of technology resources can improve student's learning as it can collect and analyze data, interpret result and communicate with one another on their progress and what needs improvement.

No Red Ink: Is a learning tool that assist teachers differentiate instruction as how well students are understanding what is taught in class, to avoid any misconceptions by providing students with interesting topics they enjoy reading and writing about. This tool will help improve in the areas of grammar and writing skills. As ISTE Standards for students states that creative thinking constructs knowledge and develop innovative products and processes by using technology. No Red Ink is a great tool for teachers by assisting them on creating assignments and quizzes without having to do any grading, students also have unlimited access to help whenever they need it and best of all it helps students target all Common Core skills and teachers can track the growth potentials of students progress. That is why I will integrate this tool into my curriculum to be of huge assistance to students when working on writing a well productive paper, as it is indicated in the ISTE that teachers implement the use of technology to develop students skills and creativity.

Pros and Cons
            "Differentiated instruction is the principle of adjusting your lesson plans to target the individual learning styles of all students in classroom." (Hamilton, Samuel) The pros of using technology to differentiate instruction is that you can target every student at once, have more time to plan other lessons while students are doing their activities or assessments and it can maintain teachers more organized as students achievements or needing progress can be kept in the computer. "Technology has made it easier for teachers to impart knowledge to the students and for students to acquire it." (Sahakov, Roman) The cons of using technology to differentiate instruction its more overwhelming to teachers, as students learn at different paces and styles it brings teachers to have a load of work. Also having to spend more time with each student it limits teachers from getting stuff done in class and hard time keeping up with the schedule. 

Concluding Paragraph  
     Teachers are becoming aware of how important it is to help students gain the necessary skills to become successful through the way they take in information and understand instructions. That is why teachers are implementing technology into their curriculum to differentiate instruction in ways that students can comprehend. It's important for teachers to understand that everyone is different and learn in so many unique ways. There are a lot of resources available to aid teachers on helping students master the areas that they are lacking on and gain the knowledge that is needed to succeed.

Bhaskar K, Santosh. "5 Online Tools for Differentiated Instruction and Assessment." EdTechReview, 2015. August 10, 2015. Retrieved from
"Hands-On Learning." Hand 2 mind. ETA hands2mind, 2015. February 28, 2015. Retrieved from
Hamilton, Samuel. "Pros & Cons of Differentiated Instruction." eHow. Demond Media, 1999-2015. February 28, 2015. Retrieved from
"Pros and Cons of Differentiated Instruction." Asia-Pacific Economics Blog. Feb. 27, 2015. February 28, 2015. Retrieved from
Robb, Laura. "Differentiating Reading Instruction." Scholastic, 2015. February 28, 2015. Retrieved from
Sahakov, Roman. "2 Pros and 2 Cons to Education Technology" Edudemic Connecting Education & Technology. January 15, 2014. February 22, 2015. Retrieved from

Smith, Grace E. and Throne, Stephanie. "Differentiating Instruction with Technology in K-5th Classrooms." ISTE, 2007. February 28, 2015. Retrieved from 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Integrating Instructional Technology

Integrating Instructional Technology 
            Teachers are incorporating technology into their curriculum for students to have a better understanding of each lesson. Technology is becoming a great source for teachers to help them gain and maintain students attention at all times. As they are implementing different technology tools to help facilitate and enhance instruction in class, students are fascinated while learning new lessons and how to use the different tools. "Technology can also consist of any reliable technique or method for engaging learning, such as cognitive learning, strategies and critical thinking skills." (Bacon, Pearson Allyn, Crismond, D., Hall, Prentice, Howland, J., Jonassen, D., Marra, R.M.) The technology tools that will help me and my students to better facilitate and enhance instructions in the classroom while using a teacher computer and a projector. Also web tools such as,, and These tools will help students better understand any lecture, lesson and activity while having fun as they are engaging with one another and enjoying using technology.
Technology in the classrooms is becoming a great source to teach lessons in a much more exciting way, that students are becoming more involved in classroom activities and lessons. is a great web tool that will help teachers teach students how to brainstorm and learn how to organize important information gathered from any resources into a graphic organizer. This tool will help students organize and sort important information into major topics. As well as helping teacher teach students about science by making it fun and exciting. I will implement this tool into my lesson when teaching students about volcanoes. It will help them organize the correct information into the right spot of the graphic organizer. This tool will also make it much easier for students when they start writing their paper about what they learned on "Volcanoes."

            To better help students understand literature by using technology as it will involve students to participate more into classroom activities, lectures, lessons and classroom discussions. The "ReadWriteThink" web tool will help facilitate and enhance instruction in class as it will guide students to better understand the story, by helping them organize information gathered from different sources about the story and characters. I will use this tool when teaching my students about literature, as we will first read the story about "The Three Little Pigs" as a group, then let students explore the web to collect information . As students demonstrate the understanding of the story, teachers can see the collaboration among each other that shows that they comprehend what they read and it will be much easier for them to apply the information into the graphic organizer.
            The "Storybird" is a web tool that will facilitate and enhance instruction in the classroom environment.  As it will help students gain interest into reading, sharing and creating their own books. They will also express themselves by using their imaginations on creative writing and develop many skills such as reading comprehension, vocabulary and reading fluency. I will incorporate this tool into my curriculum as it will help students become more involved in reading and writing. Every student will have the opportunity to create their own books, help each other out while creating their stories and will have the opportunity to share it with each other. This tool provides everyone access to read many different books and have the ability to comment on any book.

Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Learning
            Technology is becoming very important now in days. There are pros and cons of using technology to facilitate learning in classrooms. Many teachers are becoming to incorporate it into their curriculums because it has help them teach their lessons successfully and engaged students through many different activities. As students are becoming more involved because teachers have changed the way they teach by making it interesting and fun. " Integration of technology in schools has changed today's education and also the way teacher and students use their classrooms." (Sahakov, Roman) "Negative aspects that have come with the rise of technology, such as students ease of access to materials and the constant lure of plagiarism." (Davidr)
Wired and Wireless Classrooms 
 Wired or wireless is still a technology tool, the only difference is that wired has to be a desktop computer that is used only connected with wires to gain access to electricity and network. Wireless is a laptop, iPad or phone that has access to the internet by WiFi without having to use a wire. The pros and cons about wired and wireless is that wireless is more expensive, it takes less space and can be taken anywhere. The wired takes up more space and does not have access to WiFi. Wired devices have more storage space a 100 MB per second network transmission capacity at each port, than a wireless that does not have a lot of storage space and only has a 15MB. ( Fielding, Randall) With this being said I will try to have both kinds of devices in my classrooms in case my students need to store more information and also make it more convenient for students to take the laptops anywhere. This two access methods will impact my teaching and students learning by everyone having access to the network at all times and being able to work as a team to help each other out.
            Technology is the key to success in and out of school. It has enhanced everyone's lifestyle in such ways that it has helped everyone gain and developed many different skills. It's becoming to be teachers number one resource to provide students with the necessary knowledge and to grow the skills required to succeed in life. Students are engaged into lectures, activities and lessons because teacher are making it much more interesting and fun as they integrate different technology tools that are helping to better facilitate and enhance instruction in classrooms.

Bacon, Pearson Allyn, Crismond, D., Hall, Prentice, Howland, J., Jonassen, D., Marra, R.M.. "How Does Technology Facilitate Learning?" July 20, 2010. February 22, 2015. Retrieved from 
Davidr. "Pros and Cons of Technology in Education." WriteCheck. November 19, 2011. February 22, 2015. Retrieved from
Field, Randall. "Wired Versus Wireless." Technology in School Computer Networks. December, 1999. February 22, 2015. Retrieved from
Sahakov, Roman. "2 Pros and 2 Cons to Education Technology" Edudemic Connecting Education & Technology. January 15, 2014. February 22, 2015. Retrieved from

"TIM Arizona Technology Integration Matrix.:" Arizona K12 center, 2012. February 22, 2015. Retrieved from

Monday, February 16, 2015

Technology To Support Communication

   Teachers are implementing technology into their classrooms to better enhance communication among students, parents and staff. For teachers to have a successful classroom they are keeping up with different communication tools that will help maintain students motivated and involved in classroom lectures and discussions throughout the year as they will strengthen literacy skills(Witte,2007). That is why the blog created is a tool that will enhance the way students can become more involved in school lectures and can express themselves with others. Parents, students and staff have access to communicate and provide feedback about any informal articles or information that is available in the blog at any time of the day.
Technology to Enhance Communication
Email: is a tool that is used for daily communication to one another regardless of the time being, you are able to communicate at any time or day and can always have access to what was sent or received for future references. An email can be sent to any individual that has email or can also be sent as a group for any special memos that you want to get across. Email was only once used in the past decade by young generations and now in days it is being used by anyone regardless of how old they are. "Email is the most popular means of communication now-a-days" (Joshi and et. Al., 2005).
·         Parents: Have a busy schedule and this tool helps them stay connected with teachers and their child at any time of the day.
·         Students: Can use this tool to stay better communicated with teachers throughout the day because of their schedules.
·         Global Community: It's a great tool to stay communicated as a group and can even send and receive important memos as a group as well. It's also a great tool to use to save time and avoid overwhelming.
Podcast: Is a tool that allows everyone to stay connected by sharing information, provide instructions and entertainment thought spoken words versus written words. Podcast allows parents, students and global community to stay up to date with any new  information and allows anyone to speak their mind. "Besides tunes, podcast can future class-produced talk shows or audio files of books, articles, poems, and even vocabulary lists created by students."(Pool, Carolyn, 2005).
·         Parents: Have access to become more involved in their child's school studies, as they can become aware of what they are learning in class or how they are doing in class.
·         Students: Can gain classroom lectures and share different kinds of information with anyone at any time.
·         Global Community: Can be involve with any students presentation, debates or any interviews and post comments or share feedback.
Reminder 101: Is a tool that everyone uses throughout the day because it's easy access and a fast way to communicate with anyone that decides to stay up to date of any important information. It's also very convenient and fast way to stay connected with teachers, students and staff. "This type of service can build the bridge between teacher to student communication and allows them to stay connected no matter which devices they are using" (Bobbitt, Rachel, Ruth Inman, and Elizabeth Bertrand,2013)
·         Parents: Have very busy schedules and have less time to talk on the phone, that is why texting is a much more suitable way to stay communicated with teachers and others at any time of the day.
·         Students: Use texting to stay communicated with teachers and others because its easy access to them while in school or other curricular activities.
·         Global Community: Can stay connected with one another by sending and receiving messages or important memos as a group.
Wiki: Is a web site tool that can be created or modified by anyone. It is used among many as a source of information, knowledge and a tool for collaborative authority. It allows students to showcase their work and projects. Classroom discussions don't always have to end at school because they can continue at home to extend intellectual thinking and develop many more ideas(Betty, Mia.) "Wiki allows visitors to engage in dialog and share information among participants in group projects, or to engage in learning with each other by using wikis as a collaborative environment in which to construct their knowledge"(Boulos et al., 2006).
·         Parents: Can become more involved in their children's school by having access to what they are learning about in class and be a part of any projects, lectures and even post comments.
·         Students: Have access to read anyone's questions and post or reply any comments. Can also display projects, share presentation or class lectures and have access to any school lectures.  
·         Global Community: Have the ability to access wikis to be involved in any lecture, presentation or project and can reply or post any comments.
Communication Internet Security and Safety:
It is important for teachers to address internet security and safety in their classroom. For teachers to successfully accomplish teaching students, parents and the global community of how to avoid to become a victim of any child predator or criminal is by having information available to them and send emails with links that will help them learn more about staying safe while navigating the web. Parent need to know the importance it is for them to get involved in children's safe and pedagogical use of the internet in and out the family home (Vitalak, Elena, Panagiotes S. Anastasiadesm George Tsouvelas, and George Tsouvelas,2012). Teachers can also incorporating lectures into their curriculums about how to stay safe and what to avoid while navigating the internet before letting students use technology tools in school. There are facts that state that  teens are become the target of child predators and criminals because they use the internet a lot and are more familiar with different tools, but because they are posting personal information on the web, 56 percent of them have become victims (McAfee, 2010).   

Concluding Paragraph
As teachers are integrating different technology tools to better help them enhance communication with students, parents and staff. As there are many tools, such as emails, text, wikis, face book, instagram, podcast and many more that are available for anyone to access at any time of the day because of the different schedules everyone has not everyone can meet with each other. These tools provide us with varies information, lectures, presentations, comments and we can even provide any feedback to one another. For teachers to have a successful communication with parents, students and staff it is significant for them to know how important it is to stay safe by becoming well-informed of how to navigate the web in a secure way and avoid becoming a victim of any child predator or criminal.

Beatty, Mia. "Integrating Google Blogs into K-6 Language Arts Classroom To Promote Interactive Learning Communities." February 15, 2015. Retrieved from

"Blogs, Podcast, and Wikis in Business Communication." ." Education portal, 2003-2015. February 15, 2015. Retrieved from

Bobbitt, Rachel, Ruth Inman, and Elizabeth Bertrand. "Using Remind 101 as a Classroom: Communication Tool," NACTA Journal, vol. 57.4 (2013): 77-78. Education Research Complete. Web. 15 Feb 2015.

Boulos, M.N.K., Maramba, I., & Wheeler, S. (2006). Wikis, blogs and podcasts: A new generation of Webbased tools for virtual collaborative clinical practice and education, BMC Medical Education, 6(41). Retrieved November 2006 from

Coombs, Dawan, Jamie Leite, and Sirpa Grierson. "Opening Pandora's Box: Social Networks In The Classroom Of 2010." Kentucky English Bulletin 59.2 (2010): 14-18. Education Research Complete. Web. 15 Feb. 2015.

 DeFranco, Joanna F. "Teaching Internet Security, Safety in our Classrooms." Techniques: Connecting Education & Careers 86.5(2011): 52-55 OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson). Web. 16 Feb. 2015.

Gunter, Glenda A., Gunter, Randolph E. Teacher Discovering Computers: Boston: Cengage Learning, 2015. Printed

Joshi , V., Saxena, A., (2005). Analyzing E-mail Communication of Prospective Learners. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education–TOJDE, 6(4).

McAfee. "The Secret Online Lives of Teens."

Parker, Kevin R., and Joseph T. Chao. "Wiki As A Teaching Tool". Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge & Learning Objects 3. (2007): 57-72. Education Research Complete. Web. 15 Feb. 2015.

Pool, Carolyn, "Learning In The Digital Age," Educational Leadership 63.4 (2005): 96.-88. Academic Search Complete. Web Feb.15 2015.

Raham, K.M. Rezanur, Sadat Anwar and Sharker Md. Numan. "Enhancing Distant Learning Through Email Communication: A Case Of BOU." Online Submission (2008):ERIC.Web.15.2015

"The Importance of using Communication Technology Wisely." Education portal, 2003-2015. February 15, 2015. Retrieved from

Vitalaki, Elena, Panagiotes S. Anastasiadesm George Tsouvelas, and George Tsouvelas. "Factors Influencing Parental Control For The Safe And Pedagogical Internet Use Among Primary School Century 42. (2012): 125-135. Education Research Complete. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.


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About Me

I am from Dallas, TX and a mother of two Angel is ten and Elizabeth is eight. I am working full time as an assistant director at a KinderCare, I have been working for this center for nine years. I love working with kids, no matter how bad my day is going they make my day full of joy and just knowing that I am making a difference in their life's makes me very happy and very eager to someday become a teacher. I graduated from Brookhaven College with my Associates in Arts and decided to pursue my education at Grand Canyon University, towards receiving my Bachelors in Education.

Minerva Saenz

Welcome To Minerva's Blog

  "The Journey Of Learning Together"